David Hamments: And the Fog Rolled In
Bernie Totten: Auckland
David Hamments: DSC_7841.jpg
DJOBurton: Kallur (DSC8694)
CBrug: Paternkofel / Monte Paterno
sharp capture: Towards Great Gable
Trey Ratcliff: South Island View
eins75: Saarschleife »2«
Luigi Cosentino: Children - Gede - Kenya
Sònia CM: Morning Colors
attilio001: Dunes sinuous.
George Kurzik: Evening Island
NettyA: Blue Lake - more green with clouds
Ole Henrik Skjelstad: The Real Thing
Fiona McAllister Photography: Antarctic Mirror (EXPLORED)
grdavey: IMG_1068
colinhansen1967: Christchurch pier at sunrise
Kevin_Jeffries: Curving through the Green & Blue
Dirk Pons: Green matrix in eye of young Megachile rotundata
jonomanning-luminisphotography.nz: Beautiful Banks Peninsula
Kevin_Jeffries: The Aroma of the Pines
loveexploring: Waimakariri River
Squid Rings (John Burland): Rural New Zealand
Fab. A: Dernier rayons de soleil sur le Mt Blanc
zateom: petronas towers malaysia
Matthias Rabiller: A map of Life and Death | Macro Monday "Just Leaves"
PIERRE LECLERC PHOTO: Emerald lake Panorama with the Canon EOS 5DSR