normanwest4tography: Mandarin - Aix galericulata
Ryan Courson: Athenian Guard
ONLY-JAPAN-PHOTOGRAPHY: I learn only to be contented
kenny barker: Big Boris
pixelia2: The mist at Versailles.
Every Second counts by lauren wright: Blair athole horse trails FEI 2015
Domaine du Réal: early morning Arles
lunaryuna: Suspended in confusing travel through space and time - HSS!
kenny barker: Canal horses
lunaryuna: please meet the natives!
jason_frye: Deep in the woods... North Carolina - Duggers Creek Falls [Explored]
AndreasNikon: Water and stone
lunaryuna: Step out of your door into Paradise
kimp1509/ Kim Petersen: 50 shades of brown, Oregon
Blende1.8: Westminster Classic
normanwest4tography: Kingfisher - Alcedo atthis
Stu Bo: on my own.....
DmitryA7III: Jazz guitar
ajr1961: Sgwd Isaf Clun-Gwyn - Waterfall
adventurcrazy: La Jolla,CA
ONLY-JAPAN-PHOTOGRAPHY: Ryōan-ji Temple Fountain, Kyoto
ONLY-JAPAN-PHOTOGRAPHY: Nanzen-ji Temple Kyoto
atomicshark: mirror image thunderbird
like jazz: Sunrise with Aircraft
RonakG: McCloud Middle Falls near Mount Shasta, California
NPPhotographie: morgens - morning walk
kimp1509/ Kim Petersen: Swedish reflections