Photography by Lauren N: DA5A7720 Feed Me!
Photography by Lauren N: 1K8A8221 Northern Shoveler
Hanahoe: Eastern Phoebe
Bill Clark_photos: Crested Caracara
Becky Matsubara: Northern Mockingbird (Leucistic)
Becky Matsubara: Green-tailed Towhee
Hanahoe: Acadian Flycatcher
Hanahoe: Barred Owl 4-6-2024
Bill Clark_photos: Barred Owl
Hockey.Lover: Blue-winged Teal in flight
Hockey.Lover: California Quail male
Jerry Ting: Horned Lark
Hanahoe: GC Kinglet 11-24-2023
Hockey.Lover: Blue-winged Teal male
Becky Matsubara: Costa's Hummingbird (m)
BillChenSF: Western Weed-peewee
BillChenSF: Nashville Warbler
Photography by Lauren N: Two Young American Dippers1K8A8673
BillChenSF: Tropical Kingbird
Hockey.Lover: Redhead Duck
Hanahoe: Winter Wren 12-21-2022
Becky Matsubara: Ash-throated Flycatcher
Hockey.Lover: A Rare Sighting...Elliot in the rain.
barbara robeson: Two cousins on a very hot day! Eurasian Collared Dove and Band-tailed Pigeon. So hot, all the birds were open-beaked and panting.
Becky Matsubara: Blue-gray Tanager
barbara robeson: Butterflies are out and about. 3 shots. Western Tiger Swallowtail on Centranthus.
felicitydawn: Blackburnian Warbler
Jerry Ting: Mourning Warbler (Geothlypis philadelphia)
BillChenSF: Great Horned Owl