Michel G-A: Rupornis magnirostris
Hai Hiu: Ant (KIến rừng)
Steve Balcombe: Graphomya maculata m
Ralph J Clark: Is It Safe To Come Out?
Bojan Žavcer: Kingfisher 2
Wim Air: Seewiesental
anekphoto: Lempuyang temple
Julie & Eric Wildlife&Nature: Ours polaire / Polar Bear
Steve_Waddingham: Memories from the Farnes
tylerareber: Caught On A Log
alanwingtech: Wenty Falls
Pixelda: Squatter
karlofiorentino: Sylvia melanocephala F.
marionB-fotografie: Die komplette Rasselbande aus den Tierpark
Rita Eberle-Wessner: The land of milk and honey
mtravers47: _nuthatch
janecatro: Summer cactus blooms
Bernard P.: Comme des dragées...
fix.68: 12 décembre 2018__8504404
E_Rick1502: Bahama Pintail
tregotha1: Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus)
Chris Chafer: Immature Chinese Sparrowhawk (Accipiter soloensis).
R Lunde: Skywagon
KK Hui: Grey Heron (Ardea cinera) 蒼鷺 - 141218_DSC0947n
nerd.bird: winter robin
Dave Fieldhouse Photography: Langdale Light - in explore
Steven D'Cruze: Short-eared Owl
Faouic: Golfe du Morbihan
Photography by Matt Latham: Common Buzzard (Buteo buteo)