Melanies Fotowunderwelt: Strong girls don't just have beautiful eyes. Strong girls have imagination and courage.
radochla.wolfgang: Es war einmal ....
Melanies Fotowunderwelt: Every woman has a bit of Marilyn inside of her. You just have to find out if it's Monroe or Manson.
radochla.wolfgang: Woche 4 / 2025
radochla.wolfgang: Montagsgesicht
ludwigrudolf232: Havanna, Kuba
100er: Lisa
100er: Lisa
100er: Lisa
diwe39: Der Silbervogel ist gelandet
pinocheeky: Kramsvogel (Turdus pilaris)
pinocheeky: Kramsvogel (Turdus pilaris)
Melanies Fotowunderwelt: Sometimes we meet people who touch us so deeply with their nature that even when they are not near us, we can feel their presence because they have found their way into our hearts.
pinocheeky: winter
Helmut Reichelt: Am Dorfplatz
novofotoo: 20250104_504c
novofotoo: 20240802_393c Rothirsch (Cervus elaphus)
radochla.wolfgang: auf meinen Wunsch --
Melanies Fotowunderwelt: Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil says "Oh crap, she's up!"
Francesc F P: Mussol comú_Mussol
Melanies Fotowunderwelt: If you're not obsessed with your life, change it. It's your life, you decide how magical it will be.
achtmart: Brown-headed Barbet / Braunkopfbartvogel25
mhobl: one of this blue doors
ivlys: Blumen - Flowers