K C Lee: 0642
lgf55555: 迷霧 迷路
lgf55555: 飛沙烈日-有你相伴~2
K C Lee: 0185
jonron239: Paddington Cyclist
lgf55555: 進港了
lgf55555: 稚氣表情
lgf55555: 飛沙烈日-有你相伴
www.sg-naturephoto.com: Sunset between the trees
www.sg-naturephoto.com: Land of the rising sun 日本
www.sg-naturephoto.com: Autumn leaves
www.sg-naturephoto.com: Flamy morning
www.sg-naturephoto.com: Upcoming darkness
www.sg-naturephoto.com: Another song from the wood
www.sg-naturephoto.com: Midnightsun I, Norway
lgf55555: 2016第一顆夕陽
lgf55555: 夏天真好
lgf55555: 依偎
lgf55555: 我的歡樂沙灘
lgf55555: 上上籤
lgf55555: 悲情城市-寬幅版
lgf55555: 花開了!鳥賞花 !