Richard Larssen: Lom stave church
Phạm trọng Cẩn (Luxi Tèi): Thả hoa đăng trên sông Như Ý
Vincent_Ting: DSC_8902
davelawrence8: Around the Riverbend
bjdewagenaar: the docks
daisyglade: A walk on the Wild Side
AlexanderHorn: Meteora
Jos Buurmans: Christ Church Sunburst
Harold van den Berge: Spring Colors Good morning!
karinavera: The prayer of the monk
look to see: strandparade / beach parade
jwfoto1973: Treibholz
karo.perez73: Raureif
Ben_Coffman: Vega and goblins, spring of 2017
yann2649: I go or I do not go,Brest, Bretagne, Finistére,Finiscape.
Vincent_Ting: Moon against Milky way
karinavera: Moonlight in the dead place
karinavera: En algún lugar Del Valle de los Caídos
puppetfactory°: artificial intelligence
iwona_podlasinska: Brothers (gone fishing)
Jan van der Wolf: Yellow building with a bird
look to see: In the spot-lights.