mm.zajac: Lakeside view
mm.zajac: View from the balcony on the mountains
mm.zajac: An empty table but ...what a wonderful view !
mm.zajac: An old tree
mm.zajac: House on the corner
mm.zajac: In the park
mm.zajac: Fire ...when the sun goes down
mm.zajac: Almost in the jungle
mm.zajac: The leaf
mm.zajac: Old tree
mm.zajac: Kaiserkrone
mm.zajac: Haashaus Fassade
mm.zajac: Public restroom
mm.zajac: The drier
mm.zajac: Reading a book
mm.zajac: Hundertwasserhaus outside
mm.zajac: Sunset
mm.zajac: Street tourist train
mm.zajac: Oleander's flowers
mm.zajac: Palm tree
mm.zajac: American pampas grass
mm.zajac: The courtyard
mm.zajac: On the courtyard. Chapel's windows
mm.zajac: The stairs
mm.zajac: Na moście Karola
mm.zajac: Cross vein
mm.zajac: Ivy on the wall
mm.zajac: Tower and cross vein
mm.zajac: Balcony
mm.zajac: One big window