Olynbe: Urte Berri On.! Feliz Año Nuevo.! Feliç Any Nou.! Happy New Year.! Bonne Année..!!
angie_1964: La Grande Hermine, Lincoln Ontario
SuppaDuppa666: It's all about the Pose
andre govia.: Codebreakers
andre govia.: Hospital train
andre govia.: Vicious Cycle
andre govia.: Lifeless
antoniocamero21: Trencalòs (Quebrantahuesos) Gypaetus barbatus
andre govia.: Performance
antoniocamero21: Rojo amanecer
berenice29: Lossiemouth,Moray,Scotland.
antoniocamero21: Marea baja
andre govia.: Damp musk
andre govia.: The Attic
andre govia.: The listeners
carogray1: January in California.jpg
carogray1: the flight of light
Andre govia raw single shot: This is what i do
andre govia.: speechless