jaylarson: Twice Fallen
jaylarson: Dusk falling into monochrome
aland67: Waterfall Faxi
Mukumbura: Waterfall
Renn's pics: The Stream in mono
(fiona) thank you for your visit: happy bday my lovely
Renn's pics: Together
Renn's pics: Hawk on watch
Renn's pics: Roll Call...
Renn's pics: Sunrise with Mom-
(fiona) thank you for your visit: natures colours are best
Renn's pics: Morning under the Pier
Renn's pics: Afternoon Rest
Renn's pics: Turtle Tracks from the ocean
Renn's pics: Sunrise-
andyvanyperen: 20141102171710_IMG_5274~2
andyvanyperen: 20141111173915_IMG_5391_1
andyvanyperen: 20141111162749_IMG_5352_1
(fiona) thank you for your visit: mini UFOs or bubbles?
(fiona) thank you for your visit: I aint swimming in a pool with a ghost yikes!
Renn's pics: Jerry's dock-00388
Renn's pics: Smoke'n
Renn's pics: Hunting Time...
Siw S: Sue og Ria
Pawsome33: Dock Dogs 97
jessica_flora_steers: Dog Meets Duck
terriers84: Through the fishing hole.