LJ.: Hayley
Josh Sommers: I've Opened Myself To You
toryjk: Humpback Whale
gerardcaffreys Images: Humpback Whale, Spyhopping.
Ateens Chen: My Everlasting Song
marlin harms: Humpback Whales Coming Up Behind Paddleboarders
Glenn Meling: Odd Magnus Williamson
albert dros: Heaven's Lake
LJ.: Manchester
bettanifederica: Grandmother
Noro8: Evening of the Day
JeffDThomas: Curious
Carera Carola: Full moon
Håkon Kjøllmoen, Norway: Aurora at Røst
Carera Carola: Grandparents
LJ.: John.
Carera Carola: Eleonora
mitalpatelphoto: A Northern Light Welcome
MeltedFrost: Under moonlight
Joel Robison: Structure
Joel Robison: His heart was pounding, He was sure he had seen the doorknob turn.
Flickr: Movie-poster images honor everyday heroes: Brandon Cawood gives firefighters, police officers, and emergency responders the kind of superhero treatment they deserved, by creating epic movie-poster style photos of those first on the scene.
Glenn Meling: Man of Steel
Glenn Meling: Kjetil Jansrud
Josh Sommers: Desperation