- Alex Witt -: Fox cub
- Alex Witt -: Otter cub
paul_pateman1: Hiding in the willow
Disorganised Photographer - Ian Wade - Travel, Wil: Urban fox (Vulpes vulpes), Bristol, Ian Wade
stejones18: Sparrowhawk low level takedown
Robbob2010: Barn Owl
mattmobbs: Barn Owl
mattmobbs: Barn Owl Hunting
mattmobbs: Barn Owl, Suffolk UK
mattmobbs: Barn Owl, Suffolk UK
mattmobbs: Otter
mattmobbs: Otter
mattmobbs: Distant and cropped shot of a stoat (more of a record shot for me as first time seeing one)
mattmobbs: Short-eared Owl
minvallaa: Tawny Owl New Forest
minvallaa: Barn Owl
Tuttz: Barn Owl (Tyto alba)
Tuttz: Barn Owl (Tyto alba)
nwbirdscapes.com: Northern Harrier (female)
Ann and Chris: Barn Owl - Out of the mist
Crazybittern1: Male Kestrel
minvallaa: Barn Owl [Tyto alba]
davie b 777: DSC_9299 Tawny Owl
davie b 777: DSC_9232 Little Owl
davie b 777: DSC_0305 Barn Owl
davie b 777: DSC_0319 Heron
davie b 777: DSC_1370 Little Owl
davie b 777: DSC_1458 Little owl