Wouter Kroon:
Quicksilver Industries: "Sidewinder" ASR
|Prk| - IGW ; Bullseye®:
TPM mark.2 MOD. 01 - "Vraag"
Νεκρό - Retired(ish):
Θεοί χέρι
The artist formerly known as I war x pig I:
trench guns
Vlad i Mír:
Gemini AW Model 210 ´´Tyrant´´
Prototype 08
Vlad i Mír:
VladWorks poloautomatická puška Vz.02
Wouter Kroon:
Quicksilver Industries: "Dragonfly" Sniper Rifle
Just Cause | QSI:
QSI Trial: "Darter" Multi-cal AR
6P8t Vashak
Cross ~ Losing touch with the world..:
Cyclone Squad support weapon
Jake - einherjar:
JS M612A2 Jormungandr
Atypical Cricket:
Astroco Model 7 Match Point
J-Tac Concept - Tom
Farrynhite, Architect of Destruction:
Archwell Defense MACK-2 - No Info Chart
Alexander Bochanov:
Quicksilver Industries trial "oBzen" MS-15
Schrödinger's Felin Friend:
Magpul All Weather Sniper Rifle
Just Cause | QSI:
ГАЗ-24 Волга / GAZ-24 Volga "Gambler"
Aji Pratama:
Hypermetal Handcannon "Arm Breaker"