shrooman777: hippo stands with turtle
shrooman777: hippo kisses turtle again
shrooman777: nap time
shrooman777: cute couple
shrooman777: tabla position
shrooman777: tree of life
shrooman777: Wooten bros mid80s
shrooman777: with God
shrooman777: Sathya Sai Baba plays the vina
shrooman777: Uri's art opening
shrooman777: Sai Baba clouds
shrooman777: onstage with Magnum T.A.
shrooman777: Leading a drum circle at Walk 'n' Roll
shrooman777: nice throw
shrooman777: lakshmi temple
shrooman777: smoking saint
shrooman777: Goddess Kali
shrooman777: Grand Wazoo
shrooman777: ginger with dead hog
shrooman777: drummer baba
shrooman777: Wooten Bros 72
shrooman777: Wooten Bros-1978web
shrooman777: Babaji-with-dhamaru
shrooman777: amma with swan
shrooman777: amitabha statue
shrooman777: Dying with company
shrooman777: skeleton hug
shrooman777: Wooten brothers