theresarice723: 20180516-20180516-_DSC1524
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theresarice723: 20180512-_DSC1326
theresarice723: 20180512-_DSC1321
theresarice723: 20180510-20180510-_DSC1294
theresarice723: northern lights and glacier tungsten
theresarice723: cropped water reflections wo headlights
theresarice723: PNP double rainbow wo arm
theresarice723: van at the hanging highway
theresarice723: Utah mountains
theresarice723: semi on the hanging highway
theresarice723: Sacagawea and blue skies from the side
theresarice723: RE mt detail
theresarice723: RE heron lose-up stack
theresarice723: Dungeness Spit from lower part of upper trail
theresarice723: RE evening faux pan
theresarice723: purple cloud break
theresarice723: geese in flight
theresarice723: La Connor RV stump and pilings