Brick Police: Interrogation
TheMooseFigs: "We don't need their scum."
Bulansha Alexandr: Berlin defense 1945.
peggyjdb: Give us A Bell
Mark of Falworth: "A mysterious figure approaches..."
ben_pitchford: Castle Throne Room
Combat Bricks: Leif Erikson - Norse Explorer
Combat Bricks: Normandy
peggyjdb: Welcome to English law
fox2bark: IMG_4443
fox2bark: IMG_4442
ArzLan: Pont du Gard
Grantmasters: Security Drone
michaelozzie1: New canon design
michaelozzie1: New fort design. Main part is nearly complete. Next to add outer defensive works.
michaelozzie1: Battle of the Pyramids, July 21 1798.
V I D E O T: Sd.Kfz. 250/10
-LittleJohn: Vermillion Army
PigletCiamek: 01_Lion_Knights_Royal_Court
PigletCiamek: 03_Peasants
PigletCiamek: 02_Lion_Knights_Army
kevinmboots77: “Let’s head back to the FOB, there’s nothing out here.”
Immediate~C: Indefinite Weapon WIPs
-soccerkid6: Dream Come True
Eero Okkonen: Johnny Thunder and the Cave of Uku-Li
AzureBrick: New LEGO Transparent Curved Brick
Inthert: Camping Stove
TheMooseFigs: Monster