meguringo: sakura JAPAN .Meg Oshima. cherry blossom  桜 垂れ桜 上田城千本桜祭り 上田城 
meguringo: sakura cherry blossom JAPAN .Meg Oshima.
meguringo: Bulbul JAPAN .Meg Oshima. Spring has come.
meguringo: cheery blossom JAPAN .Meg Oshima.  桜 
meguringo: cheery blossom JAPAN .Meg Oshima  夜桜 垂れ桜 お花見 上田城千本桜祭り 上田城 
meguringo: Cat JAPAN   信州上田猫日和。Meg Oshima 猫 ねこ
meguringo: 浅間山 snow mountain Mt.ASAMA is noted for one of the most famous active volcanoes in JAPAN. It's located on the boader of NAGANO and Gunma prefectures. It last erupted largely more than 200years ago . Even today Mt. Asama is giving off smoke.
meguringo: 浅間山 snow mountain Mt. Asama is one of the most famous active volcanoes in JAPAN. Meg Oshima .
meguringo: squid Meg Oshima . 烏賊 イカ 
meguringo: Bull headed shrike. モズ 上田城千本桜祭 上田城  JAPAN .Meg Oshima 上がメス、下がオス。
meguringo: Bull Headed Shrike.モズ  JAPAN .Meg Oshima.
meguringo: Dusky Thrush JAPAN .Meg Oshima ツグミ 上田城 オオイヌノフグリ 
meguringo: spotted billed duck JAPAN .Meg Oshima.
meguringo: grey heron JAPAN Meg Oshima
meguringo: egret heron JAPAN .Meg Oshima.シラサギ
meguringo: dragonfly JAPAN .Meg Oshima
meguringo: Cat JAPAN  Meg Oshima .  信州上田猫日和。
meguringo: Mandarin Duck. JAPAN .Meg Oshima.
meguringo: Cat JAPAN   信州上田猫日和。
meguringo: Dasky Thrush . JAPAN .Meg Oshima.
meguringo: Cat JAPAN .Meg Oshima .
meguringo: #White eye #JAPAN #Meg Oshima #Cheery blossom #UEDA castle #めじろ #メジロ #日本の春 #上田城 #長野県
meguringo: Swan JAPAN .Snow. Winter JAPAN . Meg Oshima .
meguringo: Swan JAPAN .Meg Oshima .
meguringo: SWAN JAPAN .Meg Oshima .
meguringo: Winter JAPAN .Meg Oshima.
meguringo: SWAN JAPAN .Meg Oshima . image compression.
meguringo: Cat JAPAN .Meg Oshima
meguringo: Mallard JAPAN .Meg Oshima.
meguringo: Tin Robots. Good Old Fellows remind you of the time.... the Kitahara Musium , located just in front of the Kawaguchi ko Lake on the foot of Mt. Fuji designated as one of the World Heritage Site, in JAPAN .