Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature: DSC9494 Black Redstart
Marvaz_Photography: DSC03151-Edit-Edita
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): time to get out of the way ....
Dale Ayres: Garganey ( Anas querquedula )
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature: DSC4168 Sandpiper (Common)
Marvaz_Photography: DSC03072-Edita
KvikneFoto: the other elvis is so cheeky, tell him too stop!!!
Dale Ayres: Common Crane Grus grus )
gseloff: Contact
Massimo Greco *: Falco di palude (Circus aeruginosus)
Xtraphoto: Brown and blue
Dave Heaphy: Snowy Egret caught my attention
starc283: 248A8806 just craning
Chris Bainbridge1: Little Egret
jeremy_norbury: IMG_5260
rangerbatt: Sandhill Crane (Antigone canadensis)
Luis Fdo. Agudelo: Emerald Toucanet Northern goshawk
HenryKoh: HKR52376
Ania Tuzel Photography: Breakfast Time
dogman5: "Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it " ...Confucius ( In Explore 2/26/22)
Helen Cunningham: Australian Pelicans and a large eel
gseloff: Fisherman's Trick
higgsp@ymail.com4: Great Whitre Egret-
Chiltern walker and photographer: Crocuses in Lowndes Park
Chris Bainbridge1: Peek a Boo!
Dale Ayres: Goldcrest ( Regulus regulus )
Chris Bainbridge1: Snow Bunting
Dave Heaphy: Lotus flower