ronjac2: 037
iolobach: Pupdates
iolobach: Pupdates
iolobach: Pupdates
iolobach: Pupdates
iolobach: Pupdates
rayf52: Hi everyone not been on here for a while. I hope your all well.
Noey2010: 49B0801D-0DFF-48B8-8D5F-806FE4AC3616
iolobach: That’s so much cooler
iolobach: just a little tidy up
cateoire: Rhodri busy at work.
BroadsWelsh: So true.
andrea.gadd: Bowser won a cup!
Bracman: Think i'll call this contemplation.
wel1shie: Birthday girl
kazg5: Dooley on holiday, Seaview, Isle of Wight
JanieFB: A rosette
welshie05: Me with Sally & Sid.
Bracman: DSCF0745
welshie05: Gunner loved his beach walk
wel1shie: Grid A
andrea.gadd: Bowser at the dog show
iolobach: Iolo and Tegid
kazg5: Rest in Peace little Baban xx
iolobach: Tegid
timdale49: Where shall we go today?
wel1shie: Anderwood O
iolobach: To this....Tegid after her spa day with Auntie Lesley, thank you Lesley she looks lovely.