Henri Dedun: Bécassine des marais
Alain-46: Gypaète barbu juvénile - Gypaetus barbatus - Bearded Vulture - Bartgeier - Quebrantahuesos - Gipeto
Alain-46: Gypaète barbu - Gypaetus barbatus - Bearded Vulture - Bartgeier - Quebrantahuesos - Gipeto
Alain-46: Gypaète barbu - Gypaetus barbatus - Bearded Vulture - Bartgeier - Quebrantahuesos - Gipeto
anacm.silva: Crested Lark / Cotovia-de-poupa
fede.pic60: Upupa Upupa epops
ÇhяḯṧtÖρнε: Faucon crécerellette - Falco naumanni (Hérault, 34) 29 avril 2023
danielusescanon: Curtain of Water
Alain-46: Pic épeiche - Dendrocopos major - Great Spotted Woodpecker - Buntspecht - Pico Picapinos - Picchio rosso maggiore
Ezzo33: Mouette rieuse ..Chroicocephalus ridibundus
Arun Prasad S: Short toed snake eagle
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): a Successfull Dive
Henri Dedun: L'écureuil...
anacm.silva: Sombria / Ortolan Bunting
anacm.silva: Papa-amoras / Whitethroat
anacm.silva: Cartaxo-nortenho / Whinchat
anacm.silva: Trigueirão / Corn Bunting
Alain-46: Pluvier argenté (plumage d'hiver) - Pluvialis squatarola - Grey Plover - Kiebitzregenpfeifer - Chorlito gris - Pivieressa
Mobile Lynn: That does not look comfortable 720_2603.jpg
Henri Dedun: bergeronnette grise
fede.pic60: Mantide religiosa Mantis religiosa
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Fieldfare (URN:1752)
Jeff Lack Wildlife&Nature: DSC0035 Kestrel....
anacm.silva: Perna-verde / Common greenshank
cirdantravels (Fons Buts): Southern Caracara
monte stinnett: Hoppy the surf hunter
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Black-tailed Godwit (URN:1645)
Henk Laverman: Eurasian Jay, Gaai
anacm.silva: Montane Woodcreeper