Colonel_HART: 3AA7859D-C08E-462A-B9FC-BB16F73491FD
daniel radtke 2: Übergabe an Raiffeisen Baustoffhandel am 28.02.2024
Dave Linscheid: Late in the Day, Along the Tracks
Dave Linscheid: A Little Snow
Antique_Camera_Guy: Kodak Brownie Bullet II Camera
pixelia2: Ombre chinoise
nirak68: Frühlingsenzian
Mecklenburg-Foto: Die Bänke von Notre Dame ... HBM!
andrea_ertl: HBM- Palma de Mallorca unterhalb der Kathedrale
*bg~: amy
*bg~: vein
mollymuff: Geniune doorhandles from the Jugend period.
mollymuff: Looking into my wardrobe
pom'.: Morro Bay, California, USA
pom'.: The Royal, Guadalupe, California
Roberto_48: Cazando rayos II.
nirak68: treppauf und -ab
flashfix: May 26, 2022
Knee Bee: Freigang
Torsten schlüter: HamburgTag, macro MSC
koen_jacobs: Animal Farm
pom'.: Coutures, Maine-et-Loire, France
christikren: sparkling play of light
kingrapace: Etre fleur bleue
pixelia2: Prendre la route
minus1349: Guerre 14-18 ...
michael.veltman: Comb Over
11Jewels: Zig-Zag Fencing on the Beach - HFF