bfowler613: P1000947
nico*2: Saint Goustan by night
bfowler613: P1000753
bfowler613: UIHQ0743
bfowler613: A Rose-Breasted Grosbeak, stopping briefly on its way to better havens.
bfowler613: McDougall Mill, Renfrew
bfowler613: "Ferguson Forest Centre" Kemptville
bfowler613: IMG_3565
bfowler613: IMG_6424
bfowler613: IMG_6215
bfowler613: IMG_6065
bfowler613: IMG_5966
bfowler613: IMG_5888
bfowler613: Vast open snowshoe trails of Meech Creek, Gatineau Park.
Masters Imaging Photography: mastersimaging2014 (9 of 10)
Masters Imaging Photography: Sunrise on the Beach
Masters Imaging Photography: mastersimaging2014 (1 of 1)-36
pbruch: Ontario Fall Colours
pbruch: Big East Lake Sunset
pbruch: Killarney - the PIG portage!
pbruch: midnight sky and stars
pbruch: Sherbourne Lake trip