Maja's Photography: Taking it in.
Maja's Photography: Female black bear checking out her surroundings while munching on grass.
Maja's Photography: Hanging out with dolphis
Maja's Photography: Black Bear
Maja's Photography: Wandering Tattler
Maja's Photography: Peeking out.
Maja's Photography: The smell of fresh Blueberries
Maja's Photography: Who said that bears don't need a break?
Maja's Photography: Bear and berries
Maja's Photography: Bearly Love
Maja's Photography: Play-fighting
Maja's Photography: Coopers Hawk
Maja's Photography: Coyote pup
Maja's Photography: Whose foot is this?
Maja's Photography: While on my run today, this mother wanted to join me.
Maja's Photography: Tree marking.
Maja's Photography: The fun of learning how to climb trees.
Maja's Photography: Cooling off!
Maja's Photography: What's that sound.
Maja's Photography: Mother bear
Maja's Photography: Barred Owl
Maja's Photography: Not a happy camper
Maja's Photography: Honey, I need to tell you something
Maja's Photography: Western Screech Owl
Maja's Photography: Love birds
Maja's Photography: Expressions
Maja's Photography: Female burrowing owl