Brian Tansey: Dippers on the Dodder. Both adults- maybe a mating gesture
Brian Tansey: Long-Tailed-Tit. Dodder river in Ireland( overlooking)
Brian Tansey: Male Bullfinch having a bite to eat. Banks of the Dodder river.
Brian Tansey: Robin on the dodder bank wall- with the weir in the background
Brian Tansey: Long-tailed -tit searching for food
Brian Tansey: Dipper with its white feathered eyelid on display
Brian Tansey: Grey Wagtail on the Dodder bank wall
Brian Tansey: Song Thrush on the Dodder bank wall thisv morning
Brian Tansey: Robin in the pleasant morning light
Brian Tansey: Robin singing its winter territorial song
Brian Tansey: Robin on the riverbank wall
Brian Tansey: Cormorant on the Dodder river in Ireland
Brian Tansey: Robin in full voice
Brian Tansey: Up high and out on a limb- Dunnock
Brian Tansey: Blue- Tit on the lookout
Brian Tansey: blue tit
Brian Tansey: Sparrowhawk- after a quick bath- Dodder river in Ireland
Brian Tansey: A cluster of Mushrooms -looking like witches' hats!
Brian Tansey: Dipper on the Dodder in Ireland
Brian Tansey: Robin in the Autumn light. Banks of the Dodder river in Ireland
Brian Tansey: Robin. Banks of the Dodder river in Ireland
Brian Tansey: Dipper- Dodder river in Ireland this morning
Brian Tansey: Dublin City Marathon The eventual winner Moses Kemei is in 2nd place as the leaders head under the Nine Arches Bridge this morning. Winning time was 2hrs 8mins 35 secs
Brian Tansey: Pair of Dippers-one with a small fish in its mouth, Dodder river in Ireland.
Brian Tansey: Grey Squirrel at our local dodder bridge
Brian Tansey: Cormorant- Dodder river in Ireland
Brian Tansey: Grey Wagtail-Dodder river in Ireland
Brian Tansey: Red or White he asked!