Barrie Glover: Chesterton Windmill
Barrie Glover: The Fairy Bridge
Barrie Glover: Flamborough Head
Barrie Glover: Barn Owl with Prey
Barrie Glover: Golden Eagle on Hay Bale
Barrie Glover: Southern Giant Petrel
Barrie Glover: Barn Owl on a Headstone
Barrie Glover: Sunrise Southwold Pier
Barrie Glover: Glacial Run-off into Tarr Inlet, Alaska
Barrie Glover: Bamburgh Castle, Northumberland
Barrie Glover: Trichocereus pasacanas (Tree Cactus) at Quilmes
Barrie Glover: Waxwings and Old Apples
Barrie Glover: Northern Bald Ibis (Geronticus eremita)
Barrie Glover: Golden Gate Bridge
Barrie Glover: Saturn V Rocket, Houston - Texas
Barrie Glover: Exploring Glacier Bay - Alaska
Barrie Glover: Faro del Milenio Lighthouse, Chanaral - Chile
Barrie Glover: Common Redpoll (genus Acanthis)
Barrie Glover: Southern Caracara - Male
Barrie Glover: Southern Caracara - Female
Barrie Glover: Red Fox
Barrie Glover: Mannatees
Barrie Glover: Abandoned Boat - Isle of Mull
Barrie Glover: American Oystercatcher with a Crustacean
Barrie Glover: Double-crested Comorant
Barrie Glover: Limestone Pavement
Barrie Glover: Steam Puffer-billy Badges
Barrie Glover: Leonotis nepetifolia
Barrie Glover: Crested Tit