SmallSelena: IMG_0409
ModBarbieLover: THE TWO JUNES
mood4mod: Sovraniste!
Sonnenschein World: Fabulous Fur Barbie 1983 (Philippines)
italiantime: Good Morning Folks!
RagingMoon1987: A vintage trio in red
Foxy Belle: Miss Revlon
Du Didier: Where in the world is Momoko Sandiego?
SmallSelena: Agnes Von Weiss Merveilleuse (170)
mood4mod: Mattel 75th Anniversary 1962 Barbie Dreamhouse doll, 2020
mood4mod: Bubble Cut Barbie 2020
krixxxmonroe: King Damon👑🔥❤ #iradryan
debbiejones12: Ballerina Barbie
cristiancitochile: Ken Fashionista 12
Morton1905: s0800 6510 Dr. Assmus Baby Clothes Jenny Liječnica u kući I-II Knjiga prosvjetljenja 1926. Dr. med. Jenny Springer Max Otto Groh Dresden
Visit My Dolls: Madame Alexander Portrettes
debbiejones12: New Friends
Sonnenschein World: Fun to Dress Barbie 1987, 1988, 1989, 1992 COMPARISON
A Thousand Splendid Dolls: (1989) Dance Magic Barbie
Foxy Belle: Going to the Spring Soiree
giulietta degli spiriti: ME??? ...a mouse?
RomitaGirl67: Twist n' Turn Stacey - Titian
RomitaGirl67: Ken and Barbie - Let Me Whisper in Your Ear...
cristiancitochile: Withney jewel secrets 1986
A Thousand Splendid Dolls: Barbie Exclusives Third Edition by J. Michael Augustyniak
Jesús_Doll Addict: Cheking in Colette
Du Didier: This awkward moment...
simone.cacciatore: Barbie Christie perfume pretty #4623 • Whitney perfume pretty #4625 • gift giving #4622 • the heart family AA #4621 • the heart family school time fun AA #4620 • petalos the rosa rotoplast #4624 in Barbie perfume pretty scented fashions del 1987