Sandy Hill :-): AS THE SUN GOES DOWN
nickinthegarden: Anna's Hummingbird Livingston Sunrise 25 Nov 2016-0140.jpg
gseloff: Preflight
nickinthegarden: Spotted Towhee
phil winter: Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis)
Zombiesniper: Redtail perch
Zombiesniper: Redtail
Zombiesniper: reflection
gseloff: Bubbles
jeff's pixels: Dark rain
eric robb niven: Woodpecker
eric robb niven: Coal Tit
CJH Natural: Kingfisher | Eisvogel
ladyhawk ( 2 550 000 vues): l'abeille et le papillon
brandonzcreations: Spinning Paint Pencils
gseloff: Face-off
Dakota Olsen: mittens.
Zombiesniper: Heron fish
Zombiesniper: Heron_
FotoGrazio: Retreat of the Gopher Tortoise
eric robb niven: Vole on the Hunt
gseloff: Out Gunned
Nuno Xavier Moreira: Morcego-de-ferradura-grande, Greater horseshoe bat (Rhinolopus ferrumequinum)
Alejandro Mark II: 2016-09-13_02-57-05