smoocheshugs: I see you and I smile with joy in my heart. Northern Michigan, USA.
smoocheshugs: "Loving this snowy day" so says Happy Honey. Northern Michigan, USA.
smoocheshugs: Merry Christmas! My dog's wish to Santa Claus. "May all dogs be loved as much as I am".
smoocheshugs: Cold winter day! Northern Michigan, USA.
smoocheshugs: No animal I know of can consistently be more of a friend and companion than a dog.
smoocheshugs: "The dog is a gentleman; I hope to go to his heaven, not man's." - Mark Twain
smoocheshugs: Fungus Among Us or Indian Pipe
smoocheshugs: Blizzard 2022, USA
smoocheshugs: Waves crashing on Lake Michigan shoreline.
smoocheshugs: A beautiful sunset sets on my day, leaving a sense of peace and harmony.
smoocheshugs: Living the Good Life. Happy Honey and I singing and floating away. Michigan, U. S. A.
smoocheshugs: Ahh that face only a mother could love. USA
smoocheshugs: Water Lily. The beauty seen while kayaking.
smoocheshugs: Just hanging out with the fishermen, waiting for a free fish or two. Lake Dubonnet Interlochen, MI U.S.A
smoocheshugs: And the animals play
smoocheshugs: Mother Nature's painted sky of bright orange.
smoocheshugs: My best friend and I kayaking. Michigan, USA
smoocheshugs: Morning sunrise, the good life!
smoocheshugs: The Fountain of Youth. Grand Rapids, Michigan, U.S.A.
smoocheshugs: Greenleaf State Park, Oklahoma, USA
smoocheshugs: Seen better days
smoocheshugs: Alert, happy and healthy
smoocheshugs: A cold winter's morning
smoocheshugs: Hiding from imaginary monsters. USA
smoocheshugs: Happy 🐣 Easter! A star of sunshine atop a Pine Tree.
smoocheshugs: Frost in the crack of a Boardwalk.
smoocheshugs: Mackinaw Bridge, Michigan, USA
smoocheshugs: Mackinaw Bridge, Michigan, USA
smoocheshugs: Ice and snowflakes on a clothesline
smoocheshugs: Going over the Mackinaw Bridge, Michigan, USA