*JayBee*: In a hurry
Matthieu Berroneau: Ansonia longidigita
Matthieu Berroneau: Bipalium sp.
Kurt (OrionHerpAdventure.com): Xenochrophis trianguligerus_MG_4215 copy
Thy Photography: White-Tailed Kite Food Exchange
Matthieu Berroneau: Gonocephalus liogaster
pbertner: Swamp snake (Liophis sp.)
pbertner: Cryptic huntsman spider
Through The Big Lens: Red winged blackbird, male
Bauer Florian: Spot on
Mark Wasteney: In A Swirl
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): Yellow Dryad (Aemona amathusia, Satyrinae, Nymphalidae)
Kurt (OrionHerpAdventure.com): Polypedates colletti_MG_9528 copy
Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_9784-1 (W) Aborreal Tarantula (Phormingochilus everetti)
Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_8979-0(W) Mossy Bush Frog (Philautus macroscelis)
Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_9350-0(W) Schmidt's Reed Snake (Calamaria schmidti)
Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_9400-0(W) Head shot of Lined Reed Snake (Calamaria griswoldi)
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Near Threatened: The Rusty Spotted Cat
stan sutton: New Zealand native Kingfisher 0630
Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_9056-0(W) Planarian/Hammerhead slug (Bipalium choristosperma)
Ian.Kate.Bruce's Wildlife: Endangered: The Spurred Tree Frog a Sri Lanka Endemic
Vince_Adam Photography: Desktop190-Metaphrynella-Tree Hole Frog
Vince_Adam Photography: IMG_3878-1(W) Sticky Frog (Kalophrynus cf. kiewi)