Doundounba: Hoverfly on Sneezeweed
iwona_podlasinska: summer at grandma's
bug eye :) Thailand: The Robberfly / แมลงวันหัวบุบ
an_ramir: Caracoles de Colores, CUBA
@CarShowShooter: Chinatown (Vancouver BC, Canada) IMG_4221
.Randy.: Urban Perspective
max_livingloud: Autumn Sadness
ILINA S.: ♥ Monika
Bill Bowman: What does a coot think...
njumjum: Twilight By The Lake
njumjum: Fields Of Gold
Ray Jennings AU: The Power of 2
Bill Bowman: The stillness of the Escalante
snowpeak: Midnight in the Garden of Dreams
snowpeak: Cosmic Navel
barçalunacy: Beware of street photography!!
s@brina: around the sun
menaacostaphotography: EIFFEL TOWER
bontakun: Coco & Peanut
an_ramir: St Valentine 2015. Ligth Painting Stencil
Eddie The Bugman: Anatis ocellata
bug eye :) Thailand: The MonSter !
an_ramir: Lulú
Doundounba: Yet Another Frigga Shot