lady.shiv: west
lady.shiv: engaged!
lady.shiv: Levi's 3rd birthday
lady.shiv: date night
lady.shiv: for life
lady.shiv: NYE '10
lady.shiv: fixing the closet
lady.shiv: the best cook
lady.shiv: The ring
lady.shiv: EEEEEK!!!
lady.shiv: Babe bought me a bike
lady.shiv: P1000171
lady.shiv: it's been a long time
lady.shiv: big babe, tiniest cup
lady.shiv: Bar Ferdinand date
lady.shiv: P1000127
lady.shiv: Maggie fits out of the tiniest hole
lady.shiv: where'd she go?
lady.shiv: The cutest
lady.shiv: look at that snout!!!
lady.shiv: Fronk is the (other) love of my life
lady.shiv: Josh attempts to play mouth harp
lady.shiv: P1000108
lady.shiv: he's a wise old sage
lady.shiv: punk rawk
lady.shiv: pretty lady
lady.shiv: P1000083
lady.shiv: using their own shed fur!
lady.shiv: cat toupe