Mario Rasso: Looking / 14:23, Contemplating the landscape
renzodionigi: Common chaffinch: Fringilla coelebs (Explored)
Stanley Wood: Lost Button
karthik Nature photography: Catch Of The Day
Marco Bontenbal ( Where words fail, music speaks -explored-
Enrique Mesa: El final del día
apa69: Città e cittadini
António Alfarroba: market dog
T0nyJ0yce: Eagle With Takeout
Christine's Phillips (Christine Phillips Photos) -: Bright afternoon sun halos the single tree guarding the green hill
Thy Photography: Great gray owl (m) - 2M2K16-73
R▲F▲VT: Untitled
Theodor Hensolt: young Cubana
BugsAlive: Distantalna splendida - a very special cicada
Hammerchewer: Short-eared Owl
Thomas Leuthard: Cleaning Venice
Jaime E.: Guajara Parador Trazas
Daniele Salutari: Business girls
John √: loneliness
bosi2697: Because my life is your life ❤️
Jaime E.: Via Lactea Desde El Telescopia Isaac Newton