keval624: Linda
keval624: Linda
keval624: Linda
keval624: Linda
keval624: Linda
keval624: Linda
peterspencer49: North Devon
matrobinsonphoto: Petergate
hobbit68: Abschminken....
Chrisnaton: Goodbye 2014
BeNowMeHere: City of Magic
rhn3photo: Torie
peterspencer49: Woolacombe
BeNowMeHere: Which way would you take?
baldwindavid10: IMG_9470-2
baldwindavid10: IMG_3908-2.jpg
baldwindavid10: IMG_3989.jpg
hazelkrystal: Thinking ...
keval624: New York
keval624: Storms
keval624: Autumn Winds
keval624: Droplets
keval624: Skull
baldwindavid10: This is Jack Bruce, the legendary bassist of the rock 'supergroup' trio Cream, and in this somber moment I will like to inform anyone of his passing. Bruce's music that he created with Cream and his playing style inspired myself as a bassist. His faimly u
keval624: Droplets
keval624: Bulb
keval624: Football Field
baldwindavid10: IMG_1772.jpg
baldwindavid10: IMG_1978.jpg
baldwindavid10: IMG_1993.jpg