T's pics ♥: Me and Bon <3
Lorenzo Iardella: Tony il fuggitivo
Brandon Bermudez: Bentley the pitbull
Brandon Bermudez: Test Shots with Boston
Griesgramïg: _DSC5989PS
JulianBernalPh: Mr. Hongo
jorre011: Million dollar baby!
Amethyst Lee: loco and niko
Amethyst Lee: IMAG1420
gonzsanchez84: Buenos días...
gonzsanchez84: Thor...
hermidaalejandro29: IMG_760429768269496
hermidaalejandro29: IMG_71843666537
hermidaalejandro29: IMG_764902192571839
hermidaalejandro29: IMG_53483730392630
Marc Stroucken: Pitbull terrier
AnnaMarie808: pitbull pups
marionmichele: Pitbull
marionmichele: Pitbull
marionmichele: Pitbull