murphysheryl568: 1898 Grand-daughters of John and Flora McRae back
murphysheryl568: 1898 Grand-daughters of John and Flora McRae
murphysheryl568: 1951 MAUDE MURPHY
murphysheryl568: 1936 Ivy McRae and Ronald Woods wedding
murphysheryl568: 1932 Screaigh/Mcrae family York river.
murphysheryl568: 1926 (abt) William Gordon (Douglas, Doug) MCRAE
murphysheryl568: 1940 (abt) JEREMIAH AND MAUDE MURPHY
murphysheryl568: 1929 (abt) RUBY IRIS SCREAIGH
murphysheryl568: 1912 (abt) Ruby Iris(wom)and Clarence Henry(chum)Screaigh
murphysheryl568: 1915 back James Greig Smith 44th Battalion, 11th Infantary Brigade.
murphysheryl568: 1915 James Greig Smith 44th Battalion, 11th Infantary Brigade.
murphysheryl568: 1928 VINCENT IVAN MURPHY
murphysheryl568: 1903 William Fairclough family back
murphysheryl568: 1903 William Fairclough family
murphysheryl568: 1904 Samuel Fairclough girls
murphysheryl568: 1904 back Samuel Fairclough girls
murphysheryl568: 1931 Eliza Screaigh Cententary park, York, Western Australia
murphysheryl568: 1908 McRae double wedding.
murphysheryl568: 1890 back of Fairclough family home Kanmantoo
murphysheryl568: 1890 Fairclough family home Kanmantoo
murphysheryl568: 1890 back CHILDREN OF Myrven FAIRCLOUGH
murphysheryl568: 1890 CHILDREN OF Myrven FAIRCLOUGH