Gill & Graham Brown: A perfect sunrise in Oualidia, Morocco
Gill & Graham Brown: The view from the Fortress, Oualidia, Morocco
Gill & Graham Brown: A Cormorant on Century Duty
Gill & Graham Brown: Molly in action
Gill & Graham Brown: A Spoonbill in flight
Gill & Graham Brown: My morning tonic!
Gill & Graham Brown: The old town Hastings
Gill & Graham Brown: As the sun is setting in the dunes
Gill & Graham Brown: All set for summer
Gill & Graham Brown: A Muster of Storks
Gill & Graham Brown: Bringing in the catch
Gill & Graham Brown: The lagoon at sunrise
Gill & Graham Brown: Molly’s first swim in her 7th Birthday
Gill & Graham Brown: A Hidden Beach
Gill & Graham Brown: Nature’s Colour Coordination
Gill & Graham Brown: A School Activity
Gill & Graham Brown: Cloud Spectacular
Gill & Graham Brown: Pretty in Pink
Gill & Graham Brown: Molly just caught and ate a sand witch
Gill & Graham Brown: A full moon in Oualidia
Gill & Graham Brown: Oualidia, Morocco at sunset
Gill & Graham Brown: Guardamar del Segra
Gill & Graham Brown: Molly in action!
Gill & Graham Brown: Spoonbill photographed in Oualidia, Morocco
Gill & Graham Brown: Essaouira at sunset. Another beautiful town in Morocco. Plenty to see and do, you won’t be bored!
Gill & Graham Brown: This was photographed on our balcony in the crack of the wall. We watched mum and dad feeding them and the babies first flight. So many photograph opportunities in Morocco.
Gill & Graham Brown: I think Molly rescued us, not the other way round. We’ve had her 4 weeks on Monday and certainly not disappointed!
Gill & Graham Brown: The Salinas near Santa Pola
Gill & Graham Brown: This is Oualidia in Morocco. As you can see the lagoon is quite spectacular and they have miles of beautiful unspoiled beaches. We are going to be there for 3 months and looking forward to it. So many places to see along this coastline.
Gill & Graham Brown: My baby Sissy on the beach of La Marina. Easily of cropped in but want to remember her so happy in her surroundings.