pandalok6: DSCF1129
pandalok6: Travel up the spine
pandalok6: Penetrat
pandalok6: Light and Shade of pantheon
pandalok6: Dont give a thing
pandalok6: Life & Still Life
pandalok6: Beautiful sunlight Snapshot with my Samsung Note 3
pandalok6: IMG_0186
pandalok6: as time gOes by
pandalok6: Red tram-Portugal 28/7/2014
pandalok6: Some people are meant to be passenger
pandalok6: Macau's narrow sky
pandalok6: Rush
pandalok6: Note 3 snap shot
pandalok6: Outside the box
pandalok6: Grand canal theather
pandalok6: #wroclaw #blackandwhite #castle #fairytale #lake