moaan: man in the October rain
moaan: evening blue
moaan: parasol in the October sun
moaan: on stage
*Peanut (Lauren): It's gin o'clock.
Hammonds Babies: Baseball in the Dugout
Hammonds Babies: Alone & Free
moaan: in the land of the living
moaan: soft whispers of lights
helenarosado: E... é amar-te assim.... perdidamente...
Daifuku Sensei: Chinatown Traffic
moaan: foliage
valentina (compulsiva del click): E... quando senti che dentro c'è solo il vuoto, siediti in disparte e lasciati cullare dalla dolcezza dei Ricordi
moaan: #01 blush
moaan: aria
moaan: reverie
texaskim81 **busy**: ape al lavoro
germana8522: gioco anche col destro
rabataller: Valencia's train station
rabataller: Valencia, always Valencia
m vitor: British Museum
Dan Harrod: Reichstag - Norman Foster's Dome
Tiquis!【ツ】: Ballerina foot