kelsbishop: bi-fold_self-promo-01
kelsbishop: Single Border
kelsbishop: Double Border
kelsbishop: Rough B&W Poster Design
kelsbishop: product shot mock up
kelsbishop: logo mock up
kelsbishop: Humidor packaging. The wood still has to be stained and matches put in the match book.
kelsbishop: Humidor packaging. The wood still has to be stained and matches put in the match book.
kelsbishop: Humidor packaging. The wood still has to be stained and matches put in the match book.
kelsbishop: Humidor packaging. The wood still has to be stained and matches put in the match book.
kelsbishop: Humidor packaging. The wood still has to be stained and matches put in the match book.
kelsbishop: Print
kelsbishop: Print
kelsbishop: pink poster
kelsbishop: The painting hasn't been scanned in yet because it is still wet. Will be scanned later.
kelsbishop: image1
kelsbishop: Kelsey Bishop: Thumbnails
kelsbishop: Kelsey Bishop: Potential Names
kelsbishop: wildlife poster
kelsbishop: wildlife poster
kelsbishop: wildlife poster
kelsbishop: Print
kelsbishop: illegal wildlife trade headlines
kelsbishop: illegal wildlife trade sketches
kelsbishop: CAADcard1
kelsbishop: CAADcard2