♪ 突然覺得好真實: 早上的家務
Joseph Ti: 000592450007-1
Jerome Chi: 川島小鳥送的彈珠汽水
♪ 突然覺得好真實: 趣味的腳踏車
♪ 突然覺得好真實: 慵懶的早晨
Jerome Chi: it's wonderful life... (Im expected)
ditao: roses
**mog**: still
Waynele: Amusement park
Waynele: Two years old!🍰
♪ 突然覺得好真實: 老爹咖哩 #2
Da-Lun Hsu: 高美濕地
Jerome Chi: from 7/16 is my 5th birthday.
Jerome Chi: the countryside of mom's
miki**: Early morning
♪ 突然覺得好真實: 我只有這麼一個可愛的兒子~XD
Jerome Chi: A pink bike