thrimby2002: 25NC 4-8-4 No. 3404.
thrimby2002: Climbing away from Ficksburg.
thrimby2002: Leaving Fouriesburg.
thrimby2002: Class 23 4-8-2 No. 3246.
thrimby2002: Leaving Immigrant.
thrimby2002: Class 23 No. 3269.
thrimby2002: Sunset at De Brug.
thrimby2002: Orange River sunrise.
thrimby2002: Leaving northbound from Orange River.
thrimby2002: Orange River.
thrimby2002: Southbound from Orange River.
thrimby2002: Sunrise at Schoombie.
thrimby2002: Double-headed 15ARs.
thrimby2002: Cape Town mail leaving Alandale.
thrimby2002: 15AR 4-8-2s.
thrimby2002: Cape Town mail.
thrimby2002: Heading for the Lootsberg Pass.
thrimby2002: Racing the shadows.
thrimby2002: Class 25NCs meet.
thrimby2002: Evening at De Aar.
thrimby2002: Early morning at Rosmead shed.
thrimby2002: Double-headed 15ARs.
thrimby2002: 15AR nearing Burgersdorp.
thrimby2002: Molteno.
thrimby2002: On the Jamestown branch.
thrimby2002: Out in the wilds.
thrimby2002: Near Van Aardt.
thrimby2002: Along the Garden Route.
thrimby2002: Leaving Ashton.
thrimby2002: Drifting along the Garden Route.