arol lightfoot ♥: Shake it off, shake it off...
arol lightfoot ♥: As long as you love me...
Seraphiel Galaxy: It's a very fine line
Skippy Beresford: Although we have been made to believe that if we let go we will end up with nothing, life itself reveals again and again the opposite: that letting go is the path to real freedom.
arol lightfoot ♥: the simple life
arol lightfoot ♥: Beauty is not in the face, beauty is a light in the heart
Jacky Macpherson: [What's done is done. Say good-bye to the past, and hello to the future.]
arol lightfoot ♥: Heaven's Tree
Jacky Macpherson: [To plant a garden, is to believe in tomorrow.] Happy Easter to all:-)
PhotoStudio Purple Cows: Summer Sky Paradise@Home4
Seraphiel Galaxy: Meet me there, where the sea meets the sky
arol lightfoot ♥: somewhere out there beneath the pale moonlight...
Skippy Beresford: True power proceeds not from force, but from love.
Jacky Macpherson: [She said: 'My heart is dancing with the birds.']
arol lightfoot ♥: when you're weary and feeling small...
Seraphiel Galaxy: The Guilty Party
Jacky Macpherson: [If there is a light, you can always see and there is a world we can always be ...]