Jerrod_Shuck, NAU: StudioPortrait
Cole_Pribble, NAU: Studio Assignment:
Kiely_Sutton, NAU: Architecture
e.aiellocoppola: IMG_4155
tennisfreak11: Architecture Assignment
chelseaxaeslehc: IMG_4304
Jerrod_Shuck, NAU: Architecture
aamartinez94: DSC_0816
seanmilligan925: IMG_7282 copy
Armando_Meek, NAU: First Snow
huhn_matthew: Low Light Assignment
pengland30: Five Finger Death Punch
Jerrod_Shuck, NAU: lowlightphoto
rileynicolenau: Lowell Observatory
pengland30: Exposure
Armando_Meek, NAU: Long exposure shooting assignment
Cole_Pribble, NAU: Low Light Project:
christofferson_jordyn: Low light assignment
emilyconely: unnamed
tacoperalta: Disturbingly calm and deafening silence
pengland30: Photo Out of a Hat
keithmcelhany: Femininity