Jaap Schelvis: Elegant lady
Jaap Schelvis: Photo buttons
Jaap Schelvis: CDV Dutch East Indies
Jaap Schelvis: Norwegian dog with three puppies
Jaap Schelvis: Dog in the studio
Jaap Schelvis: Real Photo Postcard from the Netherlands
Jaap Schelvis: Tintype (Ferrotype) of friendly old lady surrounded by birds
Jaap Schelvis: Family in the courtyard
Jaap Schelvis: CDV of Boukje
Jaap Schelvis: Family portrait on Cabinet Card
Jaap Schelvis: Daguerreotype
Jaap Schelvis: Carte de Visite
Jaap Schelvis: Genuine UNION CASE, Improved Scovill Mf'g Co.
Jaap Schelvis: FER_003 Full plate tintype
Jaap Schelvis: Cabinet card by J. Daniëls, Appingedam, 1899 - 1907
Jaap Schelvis: Gredos ibex (Capra pyrenaica victoriae)
Jaap Schelvis: Ernemann magic lantern
Jaap Schelvis: Bridge at Remagen in 1929
Jaap Schelvis: Picknick in the Alps 1925
Jaap Schelvis: Berneroberland, Switzerland
Jaap Schelvis: Ernemann HEAG XII model 2 (1906)
Jaap Schelvis: Ernemann HEAG XII model 2 (1906)
Jaap Schelvis: Ernemann HEAG XII model 1 (1906)
Jaap Schelvis: Ernemann HEAG XII model 1 (1906)
Jaap Schelvis: Ernemann HEAG XII model 1 (1906)
Jaap Schelvis: European lowland Bison - Wisent - Zubr
Jaap Schelvis: Kjenndalsbreen
Jaap Schelvis: Abandoned village
Jaap Schelvis: Zeearend - white-tailed eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla)
Jaap Schelvis: Statue of merchantess