charlie.syme: Axolotl
stevoarnold: Felixstowe Pier Left
red R: Guess Where Budapest
a galaxy far, far away...: Chapel in the Mist
newspaper_guy Mike Orazzi: SEPT_11_0D7XW.jpg
elmofoto: carpe caelum | leland, michigan
floodkeith14: IMG_4017
John.R.Taylor: Rosette Nebula - NGC 2237
Vic Powles: RAF Broadwell 08
baxterjamie70: J Baxter Low Light
christofferson_jordyn: Low light assignment
jschall1235: IMG_0718
Armando_Meek, NAU: Long exposure shooting assignment
hamann_mark: DSCN0121
Cole_Pribble, NAU: Phot out of a hat: beard and poverty
Kiely_Sutton, NAU: Photo out of a hat: Burgundy
lbalconi1: Photo out of a cup
Jerrod_Shuck, NAU: Photo out of a Hat "Home"
alexisgraff12: MONSTER
keithmcelhany: Femininity
jj.anderson95: Humphrey's Peak
jj.anderson95: Humphrey's Peak
pengland30: asdf2-2-3
keithmcelhany: Some stairs
orangemankiller: IMG_6184
Armando_Meek, NAU: Composition shooting assignment