Drew Harrison II:
Country Club Lobby
Drew Harrison II:
Country Club Gaming Room
Drew Harrison II:
Cafeteria Window
Drew Harrison II:
Everyone needs an escalator shot in their photostream
Drew Harrison II:
Key Hole
Drew Harrison II:
Drew Harrison II:
Search For Grass
Drew Harrison II:
Drew Harrison II:
Drew Harrison II:
Old Money
Drew Harrison II:
Drew Harrison II:
Noisy Opera House.
Drew Harrison II:
Customs House
Drew Harrison II:
The Incredible Sam
Drew Harrison II:
Short people only at No.64
Drew Harrison II:
Blue Panels Orange Blinds
Drew Harrison II:
Man Who Chases Birds.
Drew Harrison II:
Running Windows
Drew Harrison II:
Army Surplus Skyscraper
Drew Harrison II:
Not Complete Without the Bridge.
Drew Harrison II:
No Standing At Any Time
Drew Harrison II:
Sepia Curves
Drew Harrison II:
Elizabeth Street
Drew Harrison II:
Top Gun
Drew Harrison II:
Not East L.A.
Drew Harrison II:
Large Piece
Drew Harrison II:
Wing Tip
Drew Harrison II:
Drew Harrison II:
Banked Corner
Drew Harrison II:
For My Pleasure