SimonaColadangelo: Snow blossom.
Alex R. Ionescu: Morning Fairy
Alex R. Ionescu: Proiezioni Mentali
Fabio Cuccaro: Russia Ektar 100
adam Maa: out of focus
AndreaPucci: Una notte al museo / Night at the Museum (Natural History Museum, London, England)
Thomas Leuthard: Polaroid
Sergio ph: Vesuvius from the sea, Naples
Thomas Leuthard: Love is in the Air...
Paolo Cardone: Wedding
Fabio Cuccaro: Campobasso in Composizioni
Fabio Cuccaro: Campobasso in Composizioni
raffaelelightpainting: Porst 55mm f:1.2
Thomas Leuthard: There's someone in my head but it's not me...
Hafud ALAny: The Cold place
Manuel_de_la_Torre_Photography: Salida de sol en la playa.
Fabio Cuccaro: IMG_1865
Jacopo Bongarzoni CREOART Snc: AUTO-RITRATTO o selfie..?
Manuel_de_la_Torre_Photography: La Concha (San Sebastián)
marcodumini: P8130313
Thomas Leuthard: The Kiss²
Bruno Buontempo: L'orrore ai piedi! :D
adam Maa: clear view