GACS Photography:
Little Grebe (tachybaptus ruficollis)
GACS Photography:
Female Grebe with Chicks
GACS Photography:
Female Grebe having a stretch
GACS Photography:
Male Mute Swan
GACS Photography:
Tufted Duck (aythya fuligula)
GACS Photography:
Great White Egret (ardea alba)
GACS Photography:
Canada Geese (branta canadensis)
GACS Photography:
Male Hybrid Pintail
GACS Photography:
Mute Swan Juvenile (cygnus olor)
GACS Photography:
Great Crested Grebe
GACS Photography:
Great Crested Grebes
GACS Photography:
Little Grebe
GACS Photography:
Redshank Reflections
GACS Photography:
Juvenile Cormorant
GACS Photography:
Juvenile Grey Phalarope (phalaropus fulicarius)
GACS Photography:
Little Grebe & Chick (tachybaptus ruficollis)
GACS Photography:
You can never have enough grass.
GACS Photography:
Gannet (morus bassanus) in flight.
GACS Photography:
Gannet (morus bassanus) on nest.
GACS Photography:
Gannet (morus bassanus)
GACS Photography:
Avocet feeding (recurvirostra avosetta)
GACS Photography:
Great Crested Grebe (podiceps cristatus)
GACS Photography:
Goosander (mergus merganser)
GACS Photography:
Heron with Lunch
GACS Photography:
Great White Egret (ardea alba)
GACS Photography:
Scratching an Itch
GACS Photography:
Common Redshank (tringa totanus)
GACS Photography:
Little Grebe (podiceps ruficollis)
GACS Photography:
Water Rail (rallus aquaticus)
GACS Photography:
Common Tern (sterna hirundo) in flight