GACS Photography: Silver Studded Blue romance
GACS Photography: Southern Hawker (aeshna cyanea)
GACS Photography: Male Silver Studded Blue (plebejus argus)
GACS Photography: Female Silver Studded Blue (plebejus argus)
GACS Photography: Male Silver Studde Blue (plebejus argus)
GACS Photography: Male Black Tailed Skimmer (orthetrum cancellatum)
GACS Photography: Large Red Damselfly (pyrrhosoma nymphula)
GACS Photography: Southern Hawker (aeshna cyanea)
GACS Photography: Four Spotted Chaser (libellula quadrimaculata)
GACS Photography: Four Spotted Caser (libellula quadrimaculata) in flight
GACS Photography: Four Spotted Chaser (libellula quadrimaculata) at rest
GACS Photography: Yellow Iris (iris pseudacorus)
GACS Photography: Ragged Robin (lychnis flos-cuculi)
GACS Photography: Blue Tailed Damselfly (ischnura elegans)
GACS Photography: Skylark (alauda arvensis) with food
GACS Photography: Curlew in flight
GACS Photography: Curlew on a wall
GACS Photography: Curlew (numenius arquata) in flight
GACS Photography: Meadow Pipit (anthus pratensis)
GACS Photography: Curlew (numenius arquata) in flight
GACS Photography: Female Black Tailed Skimmer (orthetrum cancellatum)
GACS Photography: Southern Marsh Orchid
GACS Photography: Cotton Grass (eriophorum angustifolium)
GACS Photography: Bee Orchid (ophrys apifera)
GACS Photography: Male Redstart (phoenicurus phoenicurus)
GACS Photography: Flower Crab Spider (misumena vatia) with a Thick Legged Flower Beetle (oedemera nobilis)
GACS Photography: Male Reed Bunting (emberiza schoeniclus)
GACS Photography: Bittern (botaurus stellaris)
GACS Photography: Bittern (botaurus stellaris)
GACS Photography: Willow Warbler (phylloscopus trochilus)