ufood314: 932A0536
Yotta1000: Ikebukuro
Yotta1000: Torigoe
Yotta1000: Torigoe
Ming - chun ( very busy ): Japan Kyoto . 日本.京都 夜晚的祇園.四条通 DSC_76391
Ming - chun ( very busy ): 台南府中街 in Taiwan Tainan . 台灣 DSC_6360
Ann Hung Photography: Cherry Blossom @ Kamogawa
Mark Zilberman Photography: Tonight at the Andes Hotel.
Monkeyy78: 九份
red64: sayonara summer Blackandwhite Monochrome Life Street Portrait Flowers
ufood314: 一中街
wasiwatery: 六角通
*嘟嘟嘟*: upload
SOVA5: two mothers and pans
yeeship: 。beautiful existence
waz C.: 十年前 那個在雨中的上野
Ming - chun ( very busy ): 日本東京 . Japan Tokyo 傍晚的新宿車站東口往伊勢丹百貨方向 IMG_5165
Ryo(りょう): FUJI2439.jpg
Ming - chun ( very busy ): Wenshan Line (Taipei Metro) 台北捷運文山線往復興SOGO百貨方向 in Taiwan DSC_7097
Yotta1000: Ginza
★☆洪爺の銀鹽專賣★☆: LEICA M3 CONTAX G16F8 RDPIII 01